Wound-age estimation in forensic histopathology
Dr. Pauka Dénes - Dr. Simon Gábor
The forensic aspect of sexual abuse: investigative process and physical findings
Dr. Tóth Dénes - Dr. Simon Gábor
Adolescent suicide
Dr. Tóth Dénes - Dr. Simon Gábor
Forensic aspects of sudden cardiac death
Dr. Tóth Dénes - Dr. Simon Gábor
Firarm injuries
Dr. Simon Gábor
Biomechanical investigation of injuries
Dr. Simon Gábor
Identification of confounding factors in diagnosis of drowning
Dr. Poór Viktor Soma
Molecular aspects of diagnosis of drowning
Dr. Poór Viktor Soma
The complex forensic analysis of dental injuries.
Dr. Tóth Dénes - Dr. Simon Gábor
The role of forensic histopathology - new trends
Dr. Tóth Dénes - Dr. Simon Gábor
New findings in SIDS research
Dr. Tóth Dénes - Dr. Simon Gábor
Postmortem diagnosis of hypothermia
Dr. Tóth Dénes - Dr. Simon Gábor
Detection of minor alcohol metabolites from the hair
Dr. Kuzma Mónika